
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu successfully underwent a hernia repair surgery late in the night beginning on Sunday and is now in good condition and recovering, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) announced Monday morning.

“He is fully conscious, his condition is good and he was transferred to further recovery,” the PMO stated, adding: “Prime Minister Netanyahu thanks the medical staff of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.”

On Monday morning, Netanyahu was already back to business with telephone consultations on security issues, Channel 12 news reported.

Following the surgery, the hospital released a short video with surgeons reporting that Netanyahu was awake and talking to his family.

“He’s in recovery and doing great… His situation is perfect,” said Prof. Alon Pikarsky, head of general surgery at Hadassah Hospital.

The PMO’s statement noted that a cardiologist was part of the Netanyahu's medical team.

The 74-year-old prime minister is generally in good health but underwent several minor procedures over the past few years, including a pacemaker implant to prevent heart arrhythmia last year.

During Netanyahu’s sedation, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Yariv Levin took over the duties of prime minister.

Levin’s appointment was approved by government ministers in a telephone referendum.

In an unusual move, Economy Minister Nir Barkat refused to support the temporary appointment of his Likud party colleague without providing an explanation.

Levin already served as interim prime minister for about an hour and 20 minutes, while Netanyahu underwent his pacemaker implant surgery last year.

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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