
Three Palestinian terrorists were killed by Israeli soldiers after they attempted to infiltrate the Jewish town of Adora in the West Bank on Friday evening.

In the ensuing exchange of fire, an IDF reservist who rushed to the scene was hit in the leg and taken to the hospital, conscious and in good-to-moderate condition, the rescue service Magen David Adom said.

“This is a significant attack that was prevented thanks to the connection between the intelligence of the Regional Defense Battalion’s patrol and the civilian security elements who were alerted to the incident, and the reserve fighters who sought contact and eliminated [the terrorists] after many forces were rushed,” said the commander of the Yehuda Brigade, Col. Yishai Rosiliu.

During the incident and for many hours after, the residents of Adora were ordered by the IDF Home Front Command to stay in their homes and lock doors and windows, as soldiers continued to search the area to ensure no additional terrorists had gotten away.

The attackers, all of them teenagers from a nearby Palestinian village, forced their way through the perimeter fence of Adora’s industrial area and activated an alert.

A reserve soldier on patrol duty rushed to the scene and was injured after the terrorists opened fire. They then fled and were chased by IDF troops and the town’s security force.

Shortly after, the attackers were found and killed by the Israeli forces. The troops found an M-16 rifle, an axe, knives and other weapons on the bodies of the terrorists, indicating that they intended to carry out a significant attack in the Israeli town.

“In recent times, we have trained our forces and systems a lot for this moment, and at the moment of truth, the terrorists met a powerful, complete, and sharp response, and so they will do to anyone who wants to harm us,” Rosiliu said.

The Shin Bet security later identified the attackers as family members Uday Abu Jahisha (16), Muhammad Arafat Abu Jahisha (16), and Ismail Abu Jahisha (19), all from the nearby village Idna.

“The three have no previous arrests or security background,” the Shin Bet said. Israeli soldiers closed off all entrances to Idna after the attack and detained several family members of the terrorists for questioning.

The attempted attack followed several recent warnings by the Israeli security system that the security situation in the West Bank, also known as Judea and Samaria, is deteriorating, despite major recent efforts by the IDF, Israel Police, and Shin Bet to destroy terror networks there.

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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