
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL — One of the most interesting meetings our Evangelical Christian Delegation had last week was with Knesset Member Gideon Sa’ar. 

Indeed, the entire group walked away realizing this is an up-and-coming Israeli leader we need to keep a close eye on.

Here’s why. 


Low-key, thoughtful, and highly experienced, Sa’ar has previously served as Israel’s Education Minister and Justice Minister. 

Currently, he serves as a Minister in Israel’s Security Cabinet, making him a player in critical decisions regarding the prosecution of the war and what the post-Hamas era will look like in Gaza.

He’s also a senior member with Benny Gantz – a former IDF chief of staff and former Defense Minister – of the National Unity party, which is soaring in the polls. 

If elections were held today, recent polls indicate that National Unity would win between 37 and 40 seats, and could put together a governing coalition of between 70 and 74 seats.

In such a scenario, Gantz would likely become prime minister, and Sa’ar would likely emerge one of the most influential in the country, possibly foreign minister. 

Elections (hopefully) won’t happen until the war is over and won.

That could be many months off, and the political landscape could change significantly before then. 

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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