
Sixty Jewish and Arab musicians came together for an uplifting rendition of "Somewhere" from the classic musical West Side Story, originally crafted in 1957 by renowned Jewish composers Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim.

The heartwarming performance features the song 'Somewhere' in three languages – Arabic, Hebrew, and English – to convey a message of peace and hope amid the ongoing conflict.

The collaborative effort, released last week, was performed by the Israeli Opera, the Galilee Chamber Orchestra, the Jerusalem Academy of Music, and the School of Music at Tel Aviv University.

Zach Granit, the general director of the Israeli Opera, emphasized the significance of this collaboration.

"This special performance is another layer in a vast array of activities in which the opera promotes and maintains meetings and an artistic and educational dialogue between Jewish and Arab musicians and audiences,” Granit said.

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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