
Israel’s High Court of Justice voted to strike down the Reasonableness Law with 8 justices in favor and 7 against, in a historic wartime ruling that threatens to tear apart Israel's society amid the ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

The decision marks the first time in Israeli history that the nation’s Supreme Court struck down a law with the status of a quasi-constitutional Basic Law, determining the precedent that the court now possesses the authority to do so.

Twelve of the court justices ruled that the court, in principle, has the authority to strike down a Basic Law.

The court announced the decision on Monday evening after Israel's Channel 12 news reported a leak several days prior that the 15-judge panel was deeply divided on the issue.

The Reasonableness Standard Law was the first part of the government’s controversial judicial reform plan, passed into law in July.

The judicial reforms, first unveiled by Justice Minister Yariv Levin in January, immediately became a major point of contention, giving rise to large, state-wide protests that began the weekend after the reforms were announced.

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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