
Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan on Wednesday accused the International Committee of the Red Cross of trying to cover up Hamas’ severe war crimes committed against countless Israeli civilians.

"The Red Cross refuses to publicly condemn Hamas, which even denies access to the hostages or the transfer of medication to them and carries out the most serious war crimes," Erdan stated after meeting with Laetitia Courtois, the permanent observer of the UN and the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

"Hamas is committing heinous and abhorrent war crimes, and the Red Cross covers it up, refusing to condemn its actions publicly and not presenting to the world the monstrous behavior of Hamas towards the captives," Erdan added.

An increasing number of former Israeli hostages have revealed details about the systematic crimes committed by Hamas operatives against Israeli civilians, especially against women.

Terrorists from Gaza kidnapped Aviva Sigal (62) and her husband Keith (64) from their home in Kfar Aza, an Israeli rural community close to the Gaza Strip border on Oct. 7. While Aviva was released in late November as part of the hostage negotiations between Israel and Hamas, her husband is still being held captive inside Gaza. Aviva recently revealed that she witnessed how a Hamas terrorist abused a young Israeli girl.

“I saw that she shut down and was quiet and that’s not her. And forgive me, I’m going to say bad words, but this son of a bitch touched her. And he wouldn’t even let me hug her after it happened. It’s terrible, just terrible. I told her I was sorry,” Aviva recalled.

“They tortured her next to me. And I am a witness to it. I am a witness to what is happening there. What is happening there is simply a catastrophe. It is impossible to continue. I’ve been talking here for a minute or two, and I’m saying so much,” she added.

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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