
At least 21 Israeli soldiers were killed and several more were wounded, some of them seriously, in an incident during fighting in the al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza, the IDF announced Tuesday morning.

The soldiers were killed when terrorists fired two RPG anti-tank missiles at a unit of reserve soldiers from the 261st Brigade who were preparing an area for demolition, according to Army Radio.

One of the RPGs hit a tank, killing two soldiers. The second RPG hit a building that was pre-rigged with explosives, causing a detonation that collapsed two buildings on dozens of soldiers.

The exact details of the incident are still under investigation.

The site turned into a disaster zone with many soldiers at first buried and missing, and the complicated rescue operations continued well into the night.

The scale of the disaster was such that dozens of firemen were mobilized in the evening and recruited into the IDF in a quick procedure to allow their entry into the combat zone to rescue the victims.

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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