
After the IDF dismissed two senior officers for sharing responsibility in the mistaken killing of seven aid workers in Gaza, the mother of an Israeli hostage who was mistakenly killed by the IDF, questioned the decision in a moving letter sent to the army’s chief of staff.

“This letter does not challenge your professional decision and I am sure that you have examined the case very carefully,” Iris Haim, mother of Yotam Haim who was kidnapped by Hamas on Oct. 7, began in her letter to Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi.

Yotam and two other hostages were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers last December in northern Gaza’s Shejaiya battlezone after misidentifying them as terrorists.

To date, the IDF has not announced if any of the involved soldiers or officers were punished for the incident.

“Not only did we not blame the soldiers, nor the direct commander, nor anyone in the senior ranks, we also issued a strengthening message that the fighting must continue because that is our goal, that's the only way we can win,” Haim noted.

“We did not seek to dismiss anyone… And even today it’s not what I’m asking for.”

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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