
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – As a devout Evangelical Christian, Mike Pence believes that God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people and has great love – and a special plan – for the nation of Israel.

So, while he’s no longer in high office – and no longer running to be president – the 48th vice president of the United States is here in Israel on a five-day visit.

And he made it crystal clear to me yesterday that he is determined to do everything in his capacity to push American leaders to strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance, to achieve “peace through strength” in the Middle East, and to urgently learn the lessons of Hamas’ surprise invasion of Israel on Oct. 7 in order to protect the American people from a similar terrorist invasion across the southern border with Mexico.

While other American and international leaders have visited Israel for solidarity missions over the past several months, Pence is the highest-ranking Republican – and the highest-profile Evangelical Christian – to do so.

Pence and I have been friends for more than a decade, so it was a joy and honor to welcome him back to Israel, a nation he loves dearly and feels a biblical mandate to protect.

We spent nearly an hour together on Saturday afternoon at the Trinity Broadcasting Network studios here in Jerusalem.

Some of that time was personal and off-the-record. 

Some of it was devoted to an on-the-record interview that we’ll soon be airing on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, my prime-time television program that airs on Thursday nights at 9 p.m. EST (and again on Saturday evenings at 9:30 p.m. EST) on TBN, the most-watched Christian television network in the United States.

But two points Pence made were so important that I wanted to report them immediately here on ALL ISRAEL NEWS.

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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