
Israel has been working every day to increase humanitarian aid into Gaza, the IDF announced on Wednesday, countering claims from the United Nations that there is not enough aid reaching Gazans who are suffering from widespread “starvation.”

The problem, the IDF said, is not a shortage of food, but that the UN is unable to properly distribute the aid inside of Gaza.

“The trucks that go through security checks here are unloaded on the Gazan side of the crossing, the aid is then met by international organizations and delivered to the people of Gaza,” Col. Moshe Tetro, head of COGAT’s Coordination and Liaison Administration to Gaza, said at a press briefing at the Kerem Shalom border crossing, which reopened last month.

In addition to food, which makes up 70% of the truckloads sent into Gaza, according to COGAT, necessities such as water, medical supplies and equipment for makeshift shelters also pass through Kerem Shalom.

According to Tetro, the Israel Defense Forces unit responsible for overseeing the transport of humanitarian aid into Gaza, is increasing the number of trucks that pass through the border daily. Tetro said there has been an increase from the pre-war average of 70 trucks a day to last week’s average of 110 trucks.

In December, the UN claimed more than half a million people in Gaza, 25% of the population, were starving because of lack of food entering the Strip.

Tetro reported that “there is no food shortage in Gaza.”

“In terms of food, the reserves in Gaza are sufficient for the near term,” he said. “However, if there are any organizations that would like to bring more food, we are happy to facilitate it — to the south and to the north,” he said adding that “the problem lies with the international organizations processing and receiving the aid.”

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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