
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Does Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have a snowball’s chance to upset former U.S. President Donald J. Trump in the all-important Iowa caucuses next Monday night – the kickoff to the 2024 presidential campaign?

Most political analysts and much of the media have all but written him off.

But in talking with DeSantis yesterday, he struck me not only as bullish but excited to surprise people next week in the Hawkeye State, affectionately known as the “Hawkeye Cauci.”

In 2000, I was the deputy campaign manager for the presidential campaign of Steve Forbes, who served as the longtime CEO and editor-in-chief of FORBES magazine.

I’ve spent a lot of time crisscrossing Iowa – in beautiful weather, and in the brutal blizzards of midwestern winters.

In the end, Forbes came in second to then Governor George W. Bush.

So, I know just how hard it is to win.

And how unique the caucus system is.

These are among the reasons I was grateful for the opportunity to talk to the Florida governor.

DeSantis may have not put all his eggs in the Iowa basket.

But he has invested heavily there, both in terms of his own personal time, and his campaign’s money.

The problem he faces is that former President Donald J. Trump is almost 34 points ahead of him, according to the Real Clear Politics average, making him seem to everyone to be the prohibitive frontrunner.

So, what’s DeSantis’ closing argument to all Iowa Republicans, and particularly to Evangelical Christians who dominate the GOP there?

Is there any way he could actually close such a gap with Trump over the next seven days?

And if so, how?

Those were among the questions I asked him last night as we pre-recorded an exclusive interview for THE ROSENBERG REPORT, my primetime weekly TV show.

I also pressed him on why he thinks he would make a better Commander-in-Chief than Biden.

And how he would approach U.S.-Israeli relations differently – and better than – Biden.

We’ll air the full interview on Thursday night at 9 p.m. EST on the Trinity Broadcasting Network – TBN – the most-watched Christian TV network in the United States.

But for now, let me give you a sneak preview.


Read the full article at All Israel News.

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