
U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sparked new controversy on Christmas Eve by making a comment on her social media comparing Jesus to Palestinians. 

She also drew attention to the cancellation of Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem, attributing it to "right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem."

“This nochebuena we pray for peace and protection of the innocent in Gaza and the Occupied Territories,” Ocasio-Cortez began. 

"In the story of Christmas, Christ was born in modern-day Palestine under the threat of a government engaged in a massacre of innocents,” she said. 

"He was part of a targeted population being indiscriminately killed to protect an unjust leader's power. Mary and Joseph, displaced by violence and forced to flee, became refugees in Egypt with a newborn waiting to one day return home," she continued. 

Read the full article at All Israel News.

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