
Is Yeshua Online?

In today’s world, it’s not surprising that many search for answers about Yeshua (Jesus) online. But what may raise some eyebrows is the fact that the name Yeshua was the most searched for religious term in Israel!

How does that happen in a nation that is predominantly, and very vocally, Jewish and Muslim? Or could this actually be the main reason why? 

In a country where religious affiliation can often determine your status in the society or even in your own family, asking too many questions is not always welcomed. But the internet does not discriminate, and often has more answers than your rabbi or your imam.

people at jews for jesus talking to each other

When the Gospel Went Digital

In every generation, the Gospel travels around the world. It is humbling and exciting to hear of the many great ways that the Holy Spirit has spread the Good News.

In just the last couple of decades there have been small groups meeting in secret and huge stadiums filled with hungry crowds. There have been outreaches on street corners and from tv screens. The Gospel has been printed, recorded, filmed, and more.

Followers of Yeshua have communicated the Good News in sign language for the deaf and in Braille for the blind. We have translated it into hundreds of languages, and even dialects and slang. Furthermore, we have sang it, acted it out, painted it… the list continues.

The generation of our parents and grandparents have often held on to one copy of the Bible for years, sticking notes between its pages and highlighting verses. Now, many of their sons and daughters read or listen to the Bible on their phones. As everyone’s life goes digital, so does the Gospel.

A Ministry That Keeps Up with the Times

A ministry in Israel has recognized the increased interest in Yeshua online and they knew they needed to be proactive. They created a website to provide information and offer resources to all who are searching, while also giving them an opportunity to connect.

Jews for Jesus, a group of Jewish people who believe Yeshua is the Messiah, developed the yeshuanekuda.co.il website to help Israelis find answers without getting scrutinized for asking questions. 

YeshuaNekuda is a space where people can read, listen, and watch informative materials to their heart’s desire. But they can also reach out to the believers running the site to discuss any topic related to Yeshua and the New Testament.

Jews for Jesus is a ministry that helps the Jewish people understand that accepting Jesus as the Messiah does not conflict with their Jewish identity. In fact, they teach that the opposite is true – Yeshua fulfilled the prophesies they hold on to and He is the answer to their prayers.

highway in tel aviv

Online Quest for Yeshua

Believers have used the internet and digital technologies to spread the message of the Gospel almost since their launch. Internet quickly became global and almost commonplace, so what better way to reach people far and wide.

But while online efforts to share the Gospel have the potential to reach a large and diverse audience, they also face challenges. In contrast with in-person events, online outreaches offer limited personal interaction.

That is why Jews for Jesus want to be available through their website to anyone seeking a conversation.

When it comes to such a sensitive subject as beliefs in the Middle East, the internet is often the tool of choice for the seekers. So if Israelis don’t feel confident to ask questions about Yeshua out loud, Jews for Jesus are ready to answer them online.

Yeshua Seekers Get Online Support

According to recent surveys[1], Generation Z (people born between 1997 and 2012) spend on average 6 to 8 hours online every day. Of that, four hours are spent specifically on social media.

That is at least one hour more than Millennials (born between 1981-1996), and two hours more than Gen X (born between 1965-80). But even those numbers are increasing.

So, the truth of the matter remains. If we want to meet people where they are… they are online. And the ministries in Israel are not wasting any time. We pray that yeshuanekuda.co.il will be the landing page for all those searching for Yeshua online.

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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

[1] “Gen Z is Extremely Online” by Ellyn Briggs, December 12, 2022, https://morningconsult.com/2022/12/12/gen-z-social-media-usage/, accessed on Feb 2, 2023.

Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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