
Have you ever wondered how Israel, Passover, and Jesus’ Resurrection are connected?

The connection between the Passover and Jesus’ resurrection is undeniable. The two events coincided in time (Jesus died and rose while the Jewish people were observing the holiday). And they both were a rescue mission! These parallels bless the heart of God. Why? Because He intended for them to tell His Salvation story!



The Passover lamb points to the Son of God, who was crucified for our sins.  The Passover and Easter holidays reveal a mosaic of God’s faithfulness.

The following Bible Reading Plan was designed just for you, to help you connect the dots.

We pray that God speaks to you through His living and active Word as we adventure through these scriptures together! (Warning: this just might transform your faith and change your life)

Week One: Leading Up to Passover

As we prepare for God’s appointed time this spring, we want to remember where it all began. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob heard His people’s cry in Egypt and had mercy on them. Through the obedience of God’s servant Moses and miraculous intervention of the Lord, the Hebrews were saved from captivity. 

This year, Passover begins on Saturday, March 27 at sundown. Read the Bible with us as we prepare for the holidays. Follow the Biblical story in Egypt, and delight in God’s truths revealed in the New Testament right alongside it. 

Week Two: from Passover to the Cross and Resurrection

Passover is truly a special time to remember God’s goodness and His kingship in every circumstance. Whether it is Egyptian plagues or the horrific cross, Jesus is stronger and He is victorious! 

This year, on the first full day of Passover, Christians around the world will remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Which means, the beginning of Passover overlaps with Palm Sunday. And as the Passover week ends, we will look to the Cross and remember Jesus’ victory over death. 

Week Three: Victory Over Win and Death

The first day of this week marks the biggest turning point in history of mankind! Jesus rose from the dead, thus confirming once and for all that He is the Messiah and the Son of God. He lives and death has no power over Him – or us! Jesus’ victory over the grave means that all who believe and follow Him, will join Him in eternity. 

This week we want to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and reflect on what redemption means. At the same time, we turn to the Word of God to discover what promises of God to Israel relate to their Messiah. 

Is Passover a message of Resurrection? 

When the Hebrews were still in Egypt, the threat of death was looming over their heads. Whether the danger came from the plagues (after all, some of them affected both Egyptians and the Jews) or from Pharaoh himself. In the end, God saved them from destruction several times.

Two of those instances are worth noting and considering their deeper message. Firstly, as mentioned above, the Israelites had to slaughter a lamb and eat it, for its blood would save them from death. It is a direct paralel to the sacrifice of Jesus whose blood brought us salvation. In this context, we can definitely see how coming out of your home after that dreadful night in Egypt must have felt like resurrection. 

In second instance, we read of the Hebrews crossing the Red Sea that God parted or them.  They miraculously made it to the other shore – a journey that could have killed them. In fact, it did kill many! But the waters only swallowed their enemy, the Egyptians who chased after them. 

Coming up on the other side of the sea must have felt like starting a new life. The chosen nation was now separated from their dark past for good, and their eyes turned towards the future. We could compare this event to resurrection, and even to the act of baptism! In Messiah’s victory we were separated from the enemy, and we received a new life.

When did Christians enter the story of Israel and what part do we play in the future?

Peter Tsukahira unpacks the significance of the history of Israel in the Old Testament and God’s heart for His family today.



“But then, a people who are walking in darkness begin to see a great light. A man arises in the Galilee with power, saying ‘repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.’ This is where we came into the movie!”

–Peter Tsukahira – Co-Founder of Kehilat HaCarmel

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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