
The dynamic team at the Fields of Wheat ministry is brimming with expectation for a harvest in the Galilee. They are sowing spiritual seed through prayer and intentional discipleship. Meanwhile their hands are poised to plant natural seed into the region’s fertile earth.

Yes, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before him and shall make his footsteps our pathway. Psalm 85:12-13

Fields of Wheat Ready for the Harvest 

The ministry team, founded by Eitan Shishkoff and led by Joel Jelski, has a great vision for what God will do in northern Israel. Fields of Wheat exists to equip Yeshua’s disciples, both Jewish and Arab, to be fruitful workers in the Lord’s harvest field.

This multi-dimensional vision is rooted in the promises of God to see both natural and spiritual harvest come forth in Israel.

With a diverse and multicultural team, the staff of Fields of Wheat is rich in experience. Collectively, they have already sown decades and countless hours investing into the next generation – through local congregational leadership, youth camps and discipleship retreats, personal mentorship, and prophetic prayer and worship.

But their unwavering trust is not in their own strength. They are focused on the Lord of the harvest.



Intentional Discipleship for a New Generation

For over twenty years, young adults from the broad spectrum of Israeli Messianic congregations have drawn closer to the Lord through Katzir camps and conferences. Eitan launched Katzir (Heb: Harvest) gatherings with a vision to disciple the next generation of Israeli youth.

Katzir provided consistent opportunities for encountering God and for peer encouragement throughout the year. Israeli youth have found a spiritual reprieve from the tensions of life and a safe place to navigate questions about faith. In the process, they have made life-long friends.

In fact, many of the leaders of Fields of Wheat participated in Katzir camps themselves throughout the years. And these moments shaped them and turned their hearts towards the Lord of the harvest.

They now serve with a passion to see a spiritual harvest of the next generation.

As a ministry, Fields of Wheat continues to develop the vision of Katzir camps and conferences. What is more, it is expanding this vision for effective discipleship to encompass a broader sphere of sowing and reaping. And to work the land.

Creating a Space for Discipleship in Community

The dream is God-sized and the mission is simple. One of the primary initiatives of Fields of Wheat is to launch a national equipping center in the Galilee as a gathering place to train and disciple followers of Yeshua.

This center will be a space to invest in genuine fellowship. A place to learn and worship the Lord together. And a refuge of unity in a land fraught with deep divisions.

The goal of the dedicated team at Fields of Wheat, supported by friends from the nations, is to serve the whole Body of Messiah in Israel through this center, along with other complementary initiatives. 

And the hope is to steward the spiritual harvest, while physically working the soil for natural harvest.

Ultimately, this vision will partner spiritual discipleship with the tangible disciplines of an agricultural environment. What better place to foster such an initiative than the serene landscape and fecund soil of the Galilee?

fields of wheat

Fields of Wheat in the Spiritual and Physical

The team at Fields of Wheat is well into the initial stages of this broad vision. At this time, they’ve purchased a home on the Golan Heights for regular discipleship intensives. And their Golan-based team is taking big strides toward the development of the equipping center.

The center will focus on spiritual development in the context of a rural community environment. Students who participate in the various programs will join in on a deep journey of faith and personal transformation. For example, the daily rhythms will include prayer and worship, study of God’s Word, and practical service and community outreach. 

The initial phases of the equipping center will host discipleship intensives and camps. Later, subsequent stages will offer conferences and retreats for groups from local congregations. 

Through this initiative, Fields of Wheat aims to provide a sacrosanct space for people to encounter the presence of God and grow in spiritual and practical disciplines. The strategic programs and fellowship are geared to facilitate an avenue for repentance and healing, and a deeper level of unity among believers in Israel and the Middle East.

The physical work of agriculture and service aims to create collaboration, personal discipline, moments of reflection and fellowship, as well as a means of providing produce and blessing the community.

Trusting the God who Gives Increase

Yeshua prayed that we would be perfectly one, just as He and Father are one (John 17:20-23). Through this union, the world would come to know Messiah and encounter the love of God.

Fields of Wheat is seeking to be a living example of John 17 in the heart of Israel – a community of Jewish, Arab, and international believers who demonstrate the love of God to a hurting and broken world as they worship and serve together.

All Israel Will Be Saved: Free PDF Download

The New Testament says that all Israel will be saved. How is that possible and what certainty do we have that it will come to pass?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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