
Deception in the Bible: Signs of the End Times

What can we learn about deception in the Bible, especially in an era of fake news? The first thing Jesus told His disciples in response to their questions about the signs of the end times was, “See to it that no one deceives you.” (Matthew 24:4) 

Even before He says anything about wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, and false messiahs… He warns them of deception. We should take His words to heart especially today. But how do we do that? How do we know what the truth is and how to avoid deception?  

Too Awful to Believe – Fake News?

The shock of the merciless October 7 slaughter in Israel may be wearing off, but the Hamas propaganda machine is in full swing. Pro-Hamas rallies are filling the streets of major international cities, justifying their heinous actions, and even calling for more. 

The international leaders, who were initially supportive of doing whatever it takes to finish Hamas and recover Jewish hostages, are now slowly changing their minds and calling for a ceasefire.

All this while Israel hasn’t even finished identifying and burying their tortured dead. 

The nation is still shattered over family members suffering in captivity and struggling to make sense of the brutality of what happened. To add insult to injury, some internet trolls are asking for proof of the torture and incredulously questioning if the crimes even happened. 

It is mind boggling; how can people be so deceived? How can fake news spread so easily? Even with proof and evidence, so many people – especially in the West – are doubting what they are hearing. 

Kibbutz Be'eri following the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack

Artificial… Reality?

The problem is that social media influencers, biased news reports, and outright fake stories generated by AI show people doing and saying things that aren’t real. Fake news can thrive in this kind of environment. Live videos are edited to show only part of the story, and footage from an entirely different location or time are circulated with false captions.

How do we know what’s true? Never in history has deception been so rampant, so available, and so readily consumed by the world. Whom do we believe?

There are only 15 million Jews worldwide. That’s only 0.2% of the world’s population. Imagine, there are actors, models, athletes, and musicians who have more online followers than the world’s entire Jewish population! 

People with this kind of influence have started using their platform to spout lies and false narratives about Israel and a region they know very little about. How can the truth of what really happened compete with that?

Deception in the Bible and Avoiding It

Let’s remind ourselves of Jesus’ words. It is still on the Lord’s heart that at the end of age we will “see to it that no one deceives you.” And there is only one way this can happen.

We must know some key elements of what God has taught us. Firstly, we must know the Bible. Secondly, we have to be familiar with the covenant promises in the Scriptures. And finally, we need to know the God who made them. 

This is not a trite spiritual saying; this is our tangible foundation to make our stand.

If we only read the New Testament and a few “Old Testament stories”, then no wonder the current events confuse us. And if we believe that Israel today is like every other country and is disconnected from its biblical history, we will be lost in the sea of lies. 

In order not to be deceived we must first know the Bible

Bible vs. Deception: The Most Trustworthy Source

Ignoring the context of the land where God has been at work since the beginning of time will confuse us and we won’t know whom to believe. 

We might try to ignore the cacophony of voices in the media… until they overtake us. Without a solid foundation of both history and prophecy, we will quickly begin to entertain doubt in our minds and hearts. 

The history of modern Israel and archeology have shown us in the last 75 years that the Bible is far more accurate in its accounts and promises than we ever realized, and in ways human history has never seen before. 

Furthermore, if the news since October 7 has shown us anything, it is that there is also a very real and ancient evil who still murderously despises Israel. It has been true throughout generations and no other people group in history has experienced this. But why?

Why the Hatred for Israel?

Now that God is fulfilling one of His most repeated promises in the Scriptures, to return His people to His land, the evil is intensifying. 

There is a direct correlation between God fulfilling part of this promise with the reestablishment of Israel in 1948 and the rise of an increasingly violent and brutal form of Islam focused on Israel’s destruction. 100 years ago, radical Islamic groups were almost unheard of. Today, they are unavoidable.

When the larger known Islamic terrorist groups – Hamas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Taliban, Al Qaeda and more – are left alone, they all fight each other. Yet the only thing that unites them is the destruction of Israel and killing Jews. 

What is worse, they have desensitized much of the world with their constant propaganda and deceptions. For example, they have many believing that they are fighting for freedom.

Last Days Instructions in the Bible against Deception

If we are going to avoid deception today, we must find and hold on to the truth. Ultimately, God’s Word is the truth. We need to know what God thinks about our world by knowing the promises He has made and measuring them to our current events. 

In His vast lovingkindness, He already wrote it all down for us in the Scriptures, for those living in the last days.

“Now these things happened to them [Israel in the desert] as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” (1 Corinthians 10:11)

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians that the accounts of Israel in the desert were recorded to be an example and instructions for those living in the end of days! 

Let me put it differently. If we feel that we are in the last days, God has already given us an example of what to expect. He has given instructions on what to do and not do. 

According to the New Testament, we will find the instructions for the last days in the Torah (specifically Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) when God led Israel through the wilderness.

Alone man in israel negev desert admires the view of sunrise

The Last Days Like the Beginning

Isaiah said that God is “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times, things which have not been done, saying, ‘ My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure.” (Isaiah 46:10)

Yeshua said it like this: “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.” (Matthew 24:37) And the story of Noah is recorded at the beginning of the Torah. Again, the end will be like the beginning.

Here is the important conclusion we should draw from this reading about deception in the Bible. To avoid deception in the last days, focus on what God says in the beginning of the Bible, especially about Israel. If you haven’t done so recently, go back to the beginning of your Bible, and read and learn.

It’s in the beginning when we find God making everlasting promises to Abraham’s descendants. In the beginning, God speaks destiny over their land and Israel’s journey to enter and live in this land. 

Just like in the beginning – in the end, Israel will again take center stage in this same promised land in the sight of all nations. For the first time in 2000 years, it’s already happening. 

The Coming King

Yet, according to the prophets, this simply sets the stage for something more. A currently unfulfilled promise was made to King David that one of his descendants will rule Israel and all the earth on his throne forever (2 Samuel 7:12-16). 

It will be a righteous Jewish King, with God’s lovingkindness on Him, ruling the earth with a rod of iron and establishing His Kingdom’s justice. With a chaotic world falling to evil deceptions and violence, that sounds pretty good right about now. 

According to Zechariah 12, the setting for the Messiah’s arrival requires a Jewish Jerusalem and the nations gathering against Jerusalem and God’s people for war. The Messiah arrives to defend and rescue His people and fight against their enemies. 

A Jewish Jerusalem has been in place since 1967 for the first time in almost 2000 years. And today, for the first time in the most literal sense, it’s becoming increasingly clear exactly how all nations could and will gather to fight against Israel. To see that process unfold, just turn on the news.

Ironically, for the first time in history, the nations of the earth can also watch the war in Israel “in real time” on their phones. It seems that the current technology may have set the stage for “every eye to see” His return as Revelation foretells.

Get Grounded to Avoid Fake News

The only way this news of intensifying hatred towards Israel and skyrocketing antisemitism around the world can be understood is through spiritual eyes. God is fulfilling His promises to Israel and evil is doing everything it can to kill, steal and destroy. Just for the sake of stopping the promised coming King. 

These days, we must be grounded in the Word. That is where we will find guidance even for our prayers. They are not just for spiritual admonishment, but to help us practically navigate the intensifying evil in our world, who to stand with, and what to avoid.

We are not talking about some abstract prophetic end times theology. This is a call to return to trusting the God of Israel in these chaotic days. And a call to act. 

Choose Wisely 

The people of Israel were slaughtered in horrific ways on October 7th. Meanwhile, evil is unashamedly standing up and calling for more gruesome Jewish deaths by any means necessary, both in Israel and worldwide. The nations are beginning to turn on Israel. 

The Jewish people around the world are feeling unsafe, isolated, and alone. How do you think Jesus feels about our response to His family’s suffering? 

We each get to choose indifference, going with the tumultuous crowds, or His eternal promises. 

Yes, it’s that simple.

According to the same prophets who gave us warnings and instructions, we know that Israel will survive this. They will become stronger but also will have more conflicts. This is all leading somewhere. God will keep His promise to King David.

Those that will stay strong through this are the ones who know Scripture, hold close to God’s promises, and pray with the words: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

And despite everything you see happening in the world, do not fear. God has given us His plan for the end of the age. It’s time we refresh our memory, return to His Word, believe what it says, and take a stand. We should review information carefully so as not to be taken in by fake news. Above all, it is our responsibility to “see to it that no one deceives you.”

How to Pray for Israel: Free PDF Download

Today, more than ever, Israel needs your prayers. Learn three simple and effective ways to stand with Israel in prayer, today.

We’ve put this guide together for you so that you are even better equipped to bless Israel as you pray for Her.

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Doug Hershey
Doug Hershey shares from a perspective of historian and storyteller. He is the author of the best-selling book ISRAEL RISING. His new online video course, "10 Prophecies Fulfilled in Our Lifetime" connects bible prophecy with its fulfillments in Israel today. Doug is the founder of Ezra Adventures, a travel and education company, specializing in exclusive customized small group travel throughout Israel and the Middle East. For more info, go to DougHershey.co or keep up with Doug Hershey, Author on FB, IG and Youtube.
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