
When a novel national conference for women in Israel launched in 2018, called Bat Zion (Hebr. Daughter of Zion), the organizers dreamed that it would be the first of many. But the outpouring of support surpassed their expectations!

What if the conference was not just annual, but would span several locations? – Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries in Tel Aviv and Norma Sarvis from Succat Hallel in Jerusalem continue to dream big for the glory of God’s Kingdom.

Bat Zion Conference for Women Starts a Movement

The response to the first conference was bigger than anyone expected – women from all parts of the country, of various backgrounds, represented dozens of congregations.

Supported by their communities, the women gathered to worship, pray and fellowship. Many have not had an opportunity to do that before, while they focused on their family and congregational lives. So, for most of the believing women that gathered at the event it was a real treat.   

And what better place to celebrate local women who love Yeshua – Jesus – than in Magdala? The small town in the Galilee was home of the Messiah’s most famous female follower – Mary Magdalene (whom we could more appropriately call Miriam of Magdala).

The 2018 Bat Zion Conference for Women was a weekend to remember, but it was not just a one-time event. As soon as the cars and buses left the venue that spring, the planning begun for Bat Zion to continue.

two women reading scripture

Daughters of Zion Arise

Leaders of Dugit have articulated the vision of Bat Zion in a powerful way:

“We strive to offer once a year a time for all these courageous and persevering women of God to come together, worship, fellowship, pray, and receive encouragement from other women.”

But verbalizing it was just the first step, because for several years now they have been successfully putting it into practice. Chaya and Norma have been joined by an army of staff, volunteers, and intercessors who bless and mobilize the daughters of Zion.

And the fruit has been visible from day one. Women are inspired to continue their spiritual growth in their home environment. The unity in the body of believers of Israel is increasing. Younger generations are honoring the older ones, while bringing in fresh perspective.

The Year That Affected Us All

Already after the first conference, testimonies started pouring in. Women were encouraged in their daily walk with the Lord and developed new relationships with other women at the conference.

Hearing these inspiring stories made it very difficult to put everything on hold in 2020. Not only were gatherings not allowed. What was even harder to see was households – and mothers especially – overcome by feelings of uncertainty and anxiety.

Although initially their concerns may have been about the new virus spreading around the world, it quickly became clear that the restrictions affected them in other difficult ways.  

Families in Israel (just like worldwide) were losing sources of income, and children were starting to fall out of touch both with their schoolwork and their friends. The pressure on mothers became enormous, and unsurprisingly, they started pushing their own needs aside.

If there ever was a time to uplift and encourage women, it was now.

three women praying

Refreshed vision for Daughters of Zion

Before that odd year ended, Norma and Chaya, the mothers of the Bat Zion dream, returned to their ‘starting point’ and knelt at the feet of the Father. They asked God for further directions. This clearly couldn’t be the end! The hunger in the country was too great.

All around Israel there are mothers, daughters, and women of all ages who on a continual basis serve their families, congregations and communities. At a time like this, they needed someone to serve them, too! “How can we come to them?” Chaya and Norma wondered.

The desire to bring hope to them inspired the Bat Zion team to plan not one, but multiple conferences in the following year! If we can’t travel and if we can’t have big gatherings, why not meet in smaller groups locally? Thus, three events were scheduled, instead of one!

Where there is no way, God is paving a new one. The regional Bat Zion conferences allowed more local women to get involved (to volunteer and lead worship, for example), and those who could not travel before, were happy to attend an event closer to home.

Truly, what the enemy meant for evil, God has turned for good!

Royal Daughters Take on 2022

This year the conference was made accessible to an even broader demographic. With the hope to minister to women in northern, central, and southern Israel, Bat Zion conferences stretched over the course of three weeks, with three events in different locations.

The inaugural conference of 2022 was held in Nazareth, to accommodate women from northern parts of Israel. The second conference, in the beautiful botanical gardens of Jerusalem, catered to women from the central area of the country. And finally, the third event was held in Sderot in the south of Israel, near the Gaza boarder.

Each event featured different Israeli leaders, speakers and musicians who ministered to the women. Some represented FIRM local ministry partners, like Marianna Gol from Streams in the Desert, Rania Sayegh from HOPE, and of course Chaya Mizrachi from Dugit, the co-organizer of the conferences.

The theme of the Bat Zion conference this year was Royal Daughters and the opening address by Norma Sarvis at each event set the atmosphere in the most beautiful way. The women were reminded who they are and how much their Father loves them.

Until Every Woman in Israel Knows Yeshua

The Bat Zion conferences provide an outlet for women from all walks of life to support, champion and pray for one another. But it also gives them a platform to open up, share and be vulnerable.

At FIRM, we believe that one day we will see every person in Israel touched and changed by the love of Yeshua. We recognize the role of women in the Body of Messiah in Israel, and we want to see them blessed, cared for, and equipped.

Would you join us in supporting initiatives like this one to see the Body of Messiah grow in Israel?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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