
Why do we have a High Holidays Bible Reading Plan? Great question. 

Holidays are a big deal to us – whether you live in Israel or anywhere else in the world. No matter what household you grew up in, holidays are likely a part of your annual rhythm. And they often hold some of our most cherished childhood memories!

In Israel, daily life is scheduled around days considered holy. Shabbat determines the weekly cycle, but throughout the year there are many more holidays that the Jewish people have observed since Biblical times to this day.

To get a quick overview of the Hebrew/Biblical calendar, you can read more about it here

Did you know that the Israeli fall holidays (known as the “High Holidays”) can be found in YOUR Bible? That’s right! And so, they should be important to your faith as well. But many Christians have never even heard about them!

Today, we would like to show you how you can learn about these significant holidays from no other resource but the very Bible you pick up every day (or at least should, wink-wink!). 

High Holidays Bible Reading Plan

We developed the High Holidays Bible Reading Plan to help guide you through the upcoming holidays just with the use of the Word of God.

The Scriptures will help the holidays come to life for you, while revealing the significance and the deep, profound message embedded in them.

We would love for you to follow along with us as we explore God’s heart for His people, the Biblical Feasts, and your faith together!

And now, without further ado, here is your High Holidays Bible Reading Plan! Read along with us, week by week, as we observe these Biblical Holidays:

Week 1: Rosh Hashanah

Rosh hashanah (jewish New Year holiday) concept. Traditional symbols

Week 2: Yom Kippur

The days of awe conclude with Yom Kippur, which in 2023 begins at sundown on Sunday, September 24 and ends on Monday, September 25 after sundown.

This exceptional day was set apart by God already in the days of Moses. The Day of Atonement can carry many names: day of redemption, purification or reconciliation. It points to the final judgment that is to come, following the return of the Messiah.

In this second week of our Bible Reading Plan, read what the Word of God says about Yom Kippur: 

Praying at the Western Wall on Yom Kippur

Week 3: Sukkot

In 2023, Sukkot begins at sundown Friday, September 29 and ends on Friday, October 6. It is followed by Shemini Atzeret, which ends on Saturday, October 7 at sundown.

Sukkot commemorates Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and celebrates the earth’s harvest. God commanded Israel to build and live in temporary “dwellings” for a week, which are also a symbol of the fact that we are sojourners on earth.

But the message of the Feast of Tabernacles is also about the future – the second coming of Messiah. When Jesus comes, He will collect the harvest for the Father’s Kingdom.

In the third and final week of our Bible Reading Plan, read what the Word of God says about the Feast of Tabernacles: 

Jewish festival of Sukkot. Traditional symbols


You just completed the High Holidays Bible Reading Plan. Thank you for joining us as we celebrate God’s feasts and cherish His Word. We love seeing the Lord’s meticulous plan at work in Israel and the nations. 

Download the High Holidays Bible Reading Plan

If you would like to save this Bible Reading Plan or share it with a friend, we have a great free resource for you!

Click the following link to receive a PDF straight into your inbox that includes all the basic information about the Fall Holidays and corresponding Bible passages. We trust that the High Holidays Bible Reading Plan will bless you in this holiday season.

High Holidays Bible Reading Plan – Free PDF Download

Explore the feasts of the Lord with us to see God’s heart for His people!

The High Holidays Bible Reading Plan will guide you through the upcoming holy days with the Word of God.

Articles Related to the High Holidays

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

This is the 3rd edition of the High Holidays Bible Reading Plan. It replaced previous versions from September 2020 and August 2022. 

FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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