Tour Companion: Israel Biblical Site Journal
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Tour Companion: Israel Biblical Site Guide – Free PDF Download

Every year, millions of Christians come to the Land of the Bible to experience the land where Jesus walked, and to follow in His literal footsteps. 

Whether you visit Israel regularly, or aren’t sure whether you’ll make the trip yourself, we have a beautiful way for you to discover the Holy Land. How you read the Bible will be forever changed! 

This is the exact tour companion that we give to each participant of every tour that comes to Israel with FIRM. We pray you are blessed as you join us on this epic adventure, from Bethlehem to the Garden of Gethsemane, and everywhere in between.

You’re about to discover: 

  • 29 well-known biblical sites that are a must-see for every believer
  • Bible events and scripture references for each of the sites listed
  • Places Jesus walked, as well as major sites from the Old Testament
  • Gorgeous, full-color spreads of each biblical site

Join us and deepen your understanding of Scripture and the Land together:

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