21-Day Guide to Prayer for Israel and the Jewish People
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21-Day Guide to Prayer for Israel and the Jewish People – Free PDF Download

When Jesus came and walked in the streets of Jerusalem, He invited you into the story of His people and the Kingdom of God. 

Have you just begun discovering God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people? Or maybe you’re doing a fast focusing on God’s plan of salvation for His people? Wherever you’re at in your journey, we’ve created the perfect 3-week Israel prayer guide for you.

You’re about to discover: 

  • How to lift up the arms of Israel’s believing body and pray for local believers (less than 1% of the population)
  • How to pray for ministry focuses in Israel, from congregations to discipleship to outreach
  • How to pray for Israel & the Jewish people today
  • How to grow in your prayer life and in your relationship with God

All with a basis of Scripture and in agreement with God’s heart for Israel.

Join us and deepen your prayer life this season:

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