
Bring hope and healing to people hurting in Israel

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A grid of 5 photos of people smiling in Israel, taking tours, playing guitar, and eating food.

The Road to Recovery

While the shock of October 7th has subsided, the people of Israel are living with the difficult aftermath of the Hamas terrorist attack and subsequent conflict. Hearts and homes have been broken, fear of an unknown future hangs over an already traumatized nation. There are many practical needs, but you know that the ultimate hope & healing can only be found in Yeshua.

Through the help of believers from around the world , the local body was able to be among the first ones responding. Believers like you met immediate needs including emergency shelter, food and supplies in the wake of the deadly attack.

As Israel shifts into a new reality and starts to pick up the pieces, you can empower the local body of believers to continue to be the hands and feet of Yeshua to this hurting nation. The road to recovery is long. The need is great as the country remains in the shadow of a war that will affect its future for years to come. As of mid-November, generous partners have made it possible to fund needs through the end of the month, but resources are needed to provide safety and basic necessities into December and beyond.

  • Rebuilding Homes: Collaborating with kibbutzim to resettle lands, conducting essential construction, community restoration, and replanting crops.
  • Rebuilding Lives: Offering ongoing support to bereaved families, financial assistance, and organizing recovery retreats for businesses and families.
  • Long-Term Care: Providing trauma therapy, counseling with licensed professionals, and personalized care.

You know that God is near to the broken hearted. This is the perfect time to keep shining the light of Yeshua by bringing hope and healing to the people of Israel.

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5

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Help rebuild lives and homes in Israel

Will you help to bring Hope & Healing to the Middle East?

can house a family in a hotel for one week
can provide 20 hot meals to soldiers or families with a parent serving in the military
can provide one grocery box to a family of 5 for one week

Bring hope and healing through the love of Yeshua this season.

How to pray?

  • Pray for peace over Israel, unity between Jewish and Arab brothers, and for the preservation of all innocent lives.
  • Pray that the body of believers would have opportunities to share the Lord with those around them, as they provide practical hope & healing to those who are suffering
  • Pray for comfort and spiritual awakening for those who have been displaced, those who have had their homes and property damaged or destroyed
  • Pray for those who have lost family and loved ones, that God would comfort them and bring them healing
  • Pray for the hostages still being held inside Gaza: that both they and their families would hold fast to hope; that each would return home; that will abound afterwards
  • Pray for national recovery both on a physical, mental, and emotional level, but also on a spiritual level for this nation's ongoing trauma
  • Pray that hope & healing would come to people in Israel in the form of visions and dreams of Yeshua
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