
Displaced Israelis need your help to return home

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A grid of 5 photos of construction workers rebuilding schools and homes in the Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

Their future hangs in the balance

Tens of thousands of displaced Israelis are at a crossroads, their future hanging in the balance after the brutal Hamas attack on October 7th.

While the world has mostly moved on, for these displaced families, life remains in a state of limbo. With each passing day displaced Israelis are suffering the consequences of a situation that has no clear end in sight.

Children’s education and routine are suffering, businesses are shut down, jobs are lost, and perhaps most difficult of all: people have been cut off from their center of life, homes and communities.

Though far from over, the war in Gaza is gradually decreasing in intensity. Many families and communities are considering returning home. However obstacles remain, ranging from structural damage to lack of bomb shelters and safe spaces for children to resume their education.

While some have been promised government aid, many communities fall outside the designated assistance zone. These communities lack solutions for the obstacles preventing their return. For communities evacuated from the northern border with Lebanon, the situation is even more uncertain as the conflict with Hezbollah continues to intensify.

Here’s the good news: we see this as an unprecedented open door for local believers to make a lasting mark, impacting entire communities with the love of Yeshua as they step in to help them return to their homes.

But they can’t do it alone—they need you to join in support.

Now there is a window of opportunity.

Your gift today removes obstacles and provides a lifeline for families struggling to return home. Most of all, their homecoming presents wide open doors for believers in Israel to form relationships with and minister to these communities as they help bring them home.

Will you give to bring Israelis home today?

Your support will not only help bring displaced Israelis home, it will also allow local believers to bring the love of Yeshua to those most affected by this conflict as they build relationships with these communities through practical acts of service.

  • $50 can bring afterschool activities for a month
  • $120 can help bring a displaced Israeli home
  • $480 can help bring home a displaced family

Give to bring communities home in Israel. Give today.

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Will you help bring communities in Israel home today?

can bring afterschool activities for a month
can help bring a displaced Israeli home
can help bring home a displaced family
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