
Emergency Crisis Response Fund

On Saturday, October 7—on a Jewish holiday—Israel experienced the bloodiest attack in its modern history.

Hamas terrorist have infiltrated Israel, murdered Israeli civilians and taken hostages into Gaza.

Israel is at war. Our hearts are broken. Our sons and our daughters, our friends and our families have been called up from the reserves to prepare for a military response.

Help provide emergency relief for families across Israel who have lost loved ones and who have been displaced during this crisis. You, too, can show the love of Jesus to the hurting world today!

‹ Watch previous video updates on our YouTube channel

Stay informed on Israel's war and see the impact of FIRM, local ministries, and YOU!

As the Body of Messiah, we want to respond to this crisis and be the hands and feet of Jesus to so many who are hurting.

Help us bring practical aid & support to the people who need it most.

100% of funds go to those hurting from this crisis.

Projects you're helping to fund

So far, your incredible support and willingness to help those hurting on the ground has made 35+ projects possible! That number will continue to grow as more needs are identified and the local body continues to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Israel with the help of your giving.

Give now

How to Pray

  • Pray for peace over Israel and for the preservation of life — both Jew and Arab alike.
  • Pray for wisdom for our leaders and for the Israel Defense Forces as they deal with this ongoing, tragic situation.
  • Pray for the protection of our friends and families who have been called into the reserves and who are preparing for a possible ground operation in Gaza.
  • Pray for those who have been taken hostage, that they would be kept safe and rescued speedily. Join us in Praying for Israel by Name.
  • Pray that hatred and incitement would cease and that the power of God’s love would minster to hearts and minds across Israel and Gaza.
  • Pray that the body of believers can continue to provide hope and practical assistance to those who are suffering.

We invite you to write the name of a hostage on your hand and commit to praying for them daily until they are brought home safely.

"...I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands...” Isaiah 49:16

Learn more

If you'd like to give by check or Wire Transfer, please email [email protected] to get started.

Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

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